Saturday 30 July 2016


We all have those moments we hit ourselves every other minute because of a mistake we’ve made, those moments we berate ourselves and make the situation bigger than it is…..just because of a simple mistake.  I’ve had those moments too, moments I chose to speak when I should have listened, moments I got in a hurry when patience would have served me better, moments I did things that didn’t move me forward rather than things I knew would have helped me grow spiritually, emotionally and physically, moments I spent when I should have saved, moments I spent with people my instincts told me they would cause havoc in my life in one way or another…sounds familiar, right? All these were poor choices I made and I faced the consequences.

Over the past few weeks I’ve made mistakes and yes as usual I hit myself because I was certain I was never going to make such mistakes, I assumed the mistakes discounted my intelligence and worth in a way-it didn’t, I looked for someone to blame, I whined about it, I got upset with others because they judged me…but guess what? My actions didn’t make the situation any better…

After self-meditation I perceived that making a mistake is one thing, how you go about it is another, I chose to learn from it, to be judged or not it was and still is my mistake.  The most important thing is that I’m a better person now than I was before.  It is this perception that helped me feel better and move on as it is part of life.

Most people try to avoid mistakes at all cost because the pain and price can be high hence we come up with a very good plan on how to go about a certain situation so as to remain on the right track.  The irony is, we still make the same mistakes we were avoiding! Why? The answer is simple, ‘ because it is only human to make mistakes’ they help us discover who we truly are, they teach us valuable life lessons, they teach us to forgive, they help us let go off fear, they teach us to live a life without regrets, the same mistakes we make help us grow and evolve….We can only choose to be smart by learning from our mistakes or to be real sharp by learning from the mistakes of others.

It would do us good if we stopped being afraid of making mistakes after all not making a mistake is the biggest mistake!

I hope my 2 cents helps!

‘Freedom is not worth having if it does not include freedom to make mistakes-Mahatma

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